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We are fortunate to advise world-class, industry-leading companies, helping them tackle novel, complex issues and push the boundaries of technological progress. Our ability and confidence to go to trial is our core strength; our deep bench of experienced trial lawyers represents companies in their most significant matters, helping them protect their intellectual property and launch products. Our lawyers pair extensive experience in the courtroom and the boardroom with a thorough understanding of science and technology.

Federal Circuit Lessens the Load for Patent Infringement Defendants

August 23, 2007 Full PDF

The Federal Circuit's August 20, 2007 unanimous en banc decision in In re Seagate Technology, LLC has raised the bar to prove willful patent infringement: the patent owner must now prove recklessness by the infringer. Significantly, a finding of willful infringement is a necessary condition for a award of enhanced damages. In addition, Seagate clarified that generally there is no waiver of attorney-client privilege and work-product immunity for trial counsel in cases involving one of the most common defenses to willful patent infringement, the advice of counsel defense. 

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