ProfessionalsToby M. Karenowski

Tel: +44-20-7601-8689
Fax: +44-20-7681-2198
A partner in the Corporate Department and a member of the Investment Funds and Mergers & Acquisitions Groups. Toby Karenowski advises private fund sponsors on the full spectrum of strategic fund and sponsor transactional matters, including continuation fund and other secondary transactions, GP minority stake transactions, joint ventures and other strategic acquisitions and disposals of asset management businesses.
Before joining Paul, Weiss, Toby’s experience included advising, among others:
- FSN Capital in a multi-asset GP-led secondary transaction, including in the formation of a €600 million continuation fund
- IK Partners in a single-asset GP-led continuation fund and secondary transaction involving YouSure
- IK Partners on the sale of a controlling interest in the firm to Wendel
- Coller Capital on the strategic minority investment from Hunter Point Capital
- PAI Partners on the strategic minority investment in its business by Dyal Capital
- CapVest in connection with the single-asset GP-led secondary transaction involving Curium Pharma