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We are fortunate to advise world-class, industry-leading companies, helping them tackle novel, complex issues and push the boundaries of technological progress. Our ability and confidence to go to trial is our core strength; our deep bench of experienced trial lawyers represents companies in their most significant matters, helping them protect their intellectual property and launch products. Our lawyers pair extensive experience in the courtroom and the boardroom with a thorough understanding of science and technology.

Jeannie Rhee to Participate in Mock Trial as Part of ABA’s FCA Mock Trial Institute

Litigation partner Jeannie Rhee will cross-examine a witness as part of the ABA’s 2022 FCA Mock Trial Institute. This year’s mock trial will center on a case about a medical device designed and sold to the army for rapid Covid testing. The session will demonstrate how the plaintiff can introduce sufficient evidence through stipulations, documents and testimony to avoid dismissal.

The event offers CLE credit and will be held on April 26 at 11:15 a.m. ET at the InterContinental Miami Hotel in Florida.

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