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Intellectual Property Litigation: 'Purdue Pharma' Inequitable Conduct Invalidating Drug Patent

July 1, 2005 Full PDF

Lew Clayton's article, "'Purdue Pharma': Inequitable Conduct Invalidating Drug Patent," was featured in the July 1 edition of the New York Law Journal. The article discusses the closely watched appeal in Purdue Pharma LP v. Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc, where the Federal Circuit upheld a trial court's finding of inequitable conduct, based on the patentee's statements that misleadingly suggested there was clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of a claimed drug compound. Lew also explores recent developments in patent, trademark and copyright law, including Paul Weiss's recent victory for our client, a group of songwriters and music publishers, in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., et al. v. Grokster Ltd., one of the most significant recent copyright rulings issued by the Supreme Court. Susanna Buergel assisted in the preparation of this article.

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