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Paul, Weiss Team’s Role in Family Separation Case Featured in Law360

June 27, 2018

Paul, Weiss’s efforts on behalf of three undocumented immigrant parents separated from their children at the border were highlighted in a June 27 article in Law360.

On June 27, the parents, represented by Paul, Weiss and co-counsel Texas RioGrande Legal Aid Inc., sought a temporary restraining order (TRO) compelling the U.S. government to provide them with details of their children’s welfare and an expected date of reunification, arguing that the separation and lack of information is causing the families “irreparable harm.” The parents, asylum seekers from Guatemala and Honduras who remain in government custody, sought the addresses where their children—ages 2 through 13—are being held; the “most accurate estimate” for expected reunification; a description of where the children are being held; details on the people responsible for their care; whether the children have suffered illness or accident; details on the children’s days; and “frequent and meaningful access to or communication with each child.”

U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman in the District of Columbia delayed ruling on the TRO motion after the government agreed to provide the parents with their children’s locations, to permit the parents to speak regularly by phone with their children, and to put the parents in touch with their children’s caseworkers who would provide additional information about their status, care, and any medical issues or treatment. In doing so, he ordered the parties to provide a status report on July 5 to ensure that the steps the government promised to take are effective. The parties are also set to return for another hearing July 12 on a preliminary injunction motion ordering the immediate reunification of the parents with their children. 

The Paul, Weiss team included litigation counsel Steven Herzog and litigation partner David Ball, with the support of pro bono counsel Emily Goldberg.

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