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Judie Ng Shortell Discusses Next Generation of Women Lawyers in Asia With International

March 7, 2024

Corporate partner Judie Ng Shortell spoke to International about her path to becoming Paul, Weiss’s China office head and the next generation of Asia’s women lawyers in “Glass Ceiling? Another Generation of Women Rises to Lead Global Law Firms in Asia.” In the article, published on March 7, Judie shares how she has always thrived on executing the most complex deals. Though she used to overprepare, double-check her work and rehearse answers to potential questions earlier in her career, over time she found the answers came to her more easily, “like a simple mathematical formula.”

When it comes to the next generation of women leaders in Asia, Judie observes that they are more likely to push back against what leaders used to call “tough love. They are not followers,” Judie says. “If they don’t like the [legal profession], they won’t do it for the money or the glory.”

Additionally, Judie notes that increased gender diversity in the next generation of lawyers can be achieved as long as firms grant additional support to younger women. “Women can do everything men can do,” she says, but women lawyers are concerned about the motherhood penalty. “There needs to be a support system available to help address those fears,” she says.

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