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In litigations and investigations, e-discovery is a critical component of strategy and fact development. Businesses that give it short shrift do so at their peril. Paul, Weiss has achieved a reputation for unparalleled excellence in litigation and investigations; our e-discovery efforts are an integral part of this success.

Federal E-Discovery: Deletion of Slack Data Justifies Severe Sanction

December 7, 2022

Litigation partners Chris Boehning and Dan Toal’s latest Federal E-Discovery column, “Deletion of Slack Data Justifies Severe Sanction,” appeared in the December 6 issue of the New York Law Journal. The authors discuss a recent Ohio federal court decision in Drips Holdings v. Teledrip, in which the judge seamlessly applied traditional e-discovery law to newer technology, handing down harsh sanctions for a high-tech company and its founder’s deletion of Slack messages. The court applied the law governing failure to preserve electronically stored information (ESI) to the Slack data at issue without differentiating it from email or other traditional forms of ESI, further signaling that non-email communications are becom­ing a standard part of the discovery process. Deputy chair and counsel, e-discovery Ross Gotler assisted in the preparation of this article.

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