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Andrew Finch and Stefan Geirhofer Publish Competition Policy International Article on Procompetitive Collaborations in the Life Sciences

April 9, 2021

Litigation partner Andrew Finch and associate Stefan Geirhofer co-wrote an article, “Features of Procompetitive Collaborations in the Life Sciences,” published in Competition Policy International’s Intellectual Property column. The authors highlight a recent joint workshop hosted by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that discussed the procompetitive role of collaborations in today’s innovation economy, specifically in the life sciences and technology sectors. Andrew and Stefan emphasize that collaborations play an important procompetitive role—especially in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, where collaborative research sped up the quest for treatment and allowed the vaccine to arrive on the market faster—so long as their structural and scope limitations, along with information-sharing safeguards, can effectively limit anticompetitive risks.

» read the article

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