Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Relief Center
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These resources – like the public health crisis itself – are constantly evolving and are only current as to the date of publication. This page was last updated on September 9, 2020.
For more up-to-date information on the relief programs available in Virginia, we recommend that you visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Virginia portal, the Virginia Chamber of Commerce's State Resources list or the USDA's COVID-19 Waivers & Flexibilities for Virginia.
Business-Related Relief Programs
CARES Act: Paycheck Protection Program
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) appropriates $349 billion to assist small businesses through section 7(a) loans and Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), administered by the Small Business Administration … » more information -
Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (“EIDLs”) provide working capital to help small business concerns, small agricultural cooperatives and aquaculture companies, and most private non-profit organizations (of all sizes) meet financial obligations that … » more information -
Deferral of License Renewal Fees and Expansion of Mixed Beverage Licenses to Include Takeout or Delivery
Governor Northam issued Executive Directive Ten authorizing the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (“ABC”) to defer the collection of annual fees for licenses and permits set to expire on or after March 31, 2020 and before July 1, 2020 … » more information -
Emergency Temporary Standard – Workplace Safety Standards for COVID-19 Pandemic
Virginia adopted statewide emergency workplace safety standards in response to the COVID-19 pandemic mandating certain personal protective equipment, sanitation, social distancing, infectious disease preparedness and response plans, record keeping … » more information -
Guidelines for Reopening All Business Sectors
Governor Northam issued guidelines for easing public health restrictions for Phase Three, beginning on July 1, 2020. » more information -
Housing Resources and Eviction Protections
Governor Northam announced new housing resources, including, a website to help Virginia renters, homeowners, landlords, and the homeless navigate housing programs, services, and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. » more information -
Liability Protections for Healthcare Workers
Governor Northam issued Executive Order Sixty, clarifying that existing statutory liability protections for Virginia healthcare workers during a state of emergency apply during the COVID-19 pandemic. This order ensures that public and private … » more information -
Prevention of Utilities from Suspending Service
The State Corporation Commission (“Commission”) ordered that electric, gas, water, and sewer utilities suspend disconnection of service to any customer, pending further orders from the Commission, in light of the impact of COVID-19. » more information -
Rebuild VA Grant Fund
The Rebuild VA Grant Fund is a program to help small business and nonprofits affected by COVID-19. Business and non-profits that are approved for the grant may receive up to 3 times their average eligible expenses up to a maximum of $10,000. The … » more information -
State Income Tax Payment and Filing Extensions
Payments. Any income tax payments, including individual and corporate income tax payments, due during the time period from April 1, 2020 to June 1, 2020, will now be due on June 1, 2020. Late payment penalties will not be charged if payments are … » more information
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