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Paul, Weiss Obtains U Visa for Ecuadorian Client

Paul, Weiss and the Immigrant Women and Children's Project of the New York City Bar obtained U visa status for an Ecuadorian woman who suffered domestic violence at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, the father of her three children. U visas are available to victims of violence who report the incidents to law enforcement and cooperate with officials. Upon first review of her application, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) found that there was insufficient evidence that our client cooperated with law enforcement because she had obtained a protective order but failed to prosecute.

Paul, Weiss submitted additional evidence and a letter brief showing that she did cooperate with relevant law enforcement officials at the New York Administration for Children's Services. After receiving additional evidence, USCIS granted our client U visa status and employment authorization, so that she can now live and work legally in the United States.

The Paul, Weiss team included corporate partner Eric Goodison, litigation associate Ralia Polechronis and law clerk Amy Beaux.

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